• The importance of hobbies like gaming as a new parent

Becoming a parent is a life-changing event that brings with it a host of new responsibilities and challenges. One of the biggest challenges that I faced when I became a parent (after adapting to the sleep deprivation) was loss of identity. The transition to parenthood can be overwhelming and can cause new parents to lose sight of who they are as individuals and the things they enjoy doing.

One of the biggest challenges that new parents face is stress. The demands of caring for a baby can be overwhelming and can lead to feelings of anxiety and depression. Stress can take a toll on a parent's physical health, making it difficult to take care of themselves and their child.

Another challenge that new parents face is the impact on their mental health. The transition to parenthood can be emotionally taxing, and new parents may experience feelings of isolation, guilt, and even postpartum depression.

It's important for new parents to address these challenges by integrating hobbies into their lives. Hobbies can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment, which can be especially important during the transition to parenthood. Engaging in hobbies can also be a great way to relieve stress and improve mental health.
Some hobbies that new parents can consider include:

  • Reading: This can be a great way to relax and unwind after a long day of caring for a new baby.
  • Exercise: Regular exercise can help reduce stress and improve physical and mental health.
  • Cooking or baking: This can be a fun and creative way to bond with your child while also providing a sense of accomplishment and relaxation.
  • Photography or painting: These hobbies can be a great way to express oneself creatively and explore one's artistic side.
  • Gaming - you knew this one was going to be on my list.

One of the best bits of advice a fellow new parent gave me was to work in cycles synced to our baby’s nap cycle. Rather than approach the day as day and night, treat each “cycle” as a mini day or loop. Care for your baby, and once down for a nap do one chore, one thing to look after yourself and if able nap. Half the time Jasper would fall asleep on me so I would adapt and play a game on my switch, so I would stay alert whilst doing something for me. When he would sleep in Em, or in his Moses basket I would prioritise a chore, meal prep and sleep etc. This was harder for us to implement to the same degree when my paternity leave ended and went back to work, but I employed this mindset to jaspers cycles through the evening and night and was mentally better for it.

Another challenge that new parents face is the impact on their relationships with their partners. The demands of caring for a baby can take a toll on a couple's relationship, and it can be easy for partners to lose sight of each other and their shared interests.

Integrating shared hobbies can help both partners stay close and build new facets of their relationship as parents. It can be a way to spend quality time together, share new experiences and create a sense of teamwork and common goals. For example, if the couple has a shared interest in photography, they can explore the hobby together by taking pictures of their child and the family, and creating lasting memories.Incorporating a shared hobby can also be beneficial when your child is older and can be directly involved in the activity. This can be a great way to build family memories and create a sense of closeness and teamwork. For example, if the family loves hiking, they can start exploring nature together and make it a family tradition.

As they get older it’s also important to include your child in your hobbies where able as this can be a great way to bond and make memories together. For example, if you like cooking or baking, you can include your child in the process, and make it a fun and interactive experience. Jasper loves baking with Em and helps with measuring the flour and mixing the ingredients together... and sampling the goods.

The transition to parenthood can be challenging, and new parents may experience a loss of identity, stress, and mental health issues. However, by integrating hobbies into their lives, new and old, new parents can find a sense of purpose, relieve stress, help ease feelings of isolation and burnout and improve their overall well-being. This is beneficial not just for the parents, but also for the type of parent they can be for their child.

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